Hentai Series: Beast City
In the violent city of Tokyo, Man and Beast battle for survival as the demonic Beasts strive to seduce and enslave every woman that crosses their paths. Born into a family of vampires, 19-year-old Mina has vowed to hunt-down and destroy all of the sex-starved Beasts. Together with her friends and her Beast-Hunter Sword, Mina must track-down a human-formed Beast that has infiltrated her college.
A new woman has appeared at 19-year-old Beast Hunter Mina’s college. She appears to be the daughter of a wealthy industrialist, but deep within her lurks an evil unseen by human eyes. She seduces and destroys every male she comes across. But when she targets one of Mina’s friends, she’s gone too far…
Note: The 3rd volume was never released in R1
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Fixed timing error.
Los subtitulos no estan bien sincronizados, espero lo puedan solucionar pront...
The ultimate milf. Big tits, hairy pussy, plump body and fat ass. She milked ...
it was so odd and didnt make sense at all
Made an account just to say how annoying this nigga's voice is like gawd dayum