Hentai Series: May`s Hot Night

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Originally part of Little Mermaid Series (リトルマーメイドシリーズ – Little Mermaid Series Stage 4: Shining May) along with Telepathist AI Q315 Saiko, Punky Funky Baby and Suashi no Houkago. It was later re-released on 15.12.1988 as Symphony Yume Monogatari Stage 1 – Shining May as part of Symphony Yume Monogatari (シンフォニー夢・物語) series by Half-Moon (a label of Bandai). An LD version of Symphony Yume Monogatari was released on 21.11.1991 by Coconut Boy/KSS. Also either the original video or the re-release version in Symphony Yume Monogatari got released in US by Blue Animation as May’s Hot Night, but without subtitles and the censorship was not removed (what little there was of it as most scenes didn’t display any genitalia).
Later Five Ways re-released the 3 Symphony Yume Monogatari episodes separately; Shining May was renamed to Star Tanjou and released on 22.06.1998. On 25.03.2008, Strawberry Jam re-released Five Way’s version of Shining May bundled with Telepathist AI Q315 Saiko and Mogitate Marina-chan under the name Nikuyoku Yuugi: Omocha ni Sareta Shoujo-tachi (肉欲遊戯 ~玩具にされた少女たち~).