Hentai Series: Yu-No
Takuya’s father died during an accident while he was doing research. Worried about his young stepmother, Ayumi, Takuya follows her to Ken point. Watching her and her best friend, Mitsuki, from behind a rock, a sudden flash of light turns into an unearthly beautiful woman. The mysterious woman slips a ring on his finger, and Takuya’s travels into a parallel world begins.
This ring is the key between Takuya and his different realities.
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Fixed timing error.
Los subtitulos no estan bien sincronizados, espero lo puedan solucionar pront...
The ultimate milf. Big tits, hairy pussy, plump body and fat ass. She milked ...
it was so odd and didnt make sense at all
Made an account just to say how annoying this nigga's voice is like gawd dayum